Anonymous《The Arabian Nights》作品简介与读书感悟


正文翻译原创翻译:龙腾网翻译:zmmyc 转载请注明出处How would earth look like without humans?没有人类,地球会是什么样子?

Anonymous《The Arabian Nights》作品简介与读书感悟

老舍简介及作品简介,评论翻译原创翻译:龙腾网翻译:zmmyc 转载请注明出处Caio França1 day - Energy stations will run out of fuel and most of the solar panels will be covered in dust,so lights around the world begin to shut off. Cities illuminated by Hydroelectric power such as Seattle,Vancouver,Johannesburg and Las Vegas will be the last to stay with the lights on.第1天-能源站将耗尽燃料,大多数太阳能电池板将覆盖灰尘,所以世界各地的灯开始关闭。 西雅图、温哥华、约翰内斯堡和拉斯维加斯等被水力发电照亮的城市将是最后一批亮灯的城市。2 days - Most nuclear power plants will shut down and enter an automatic safe mode to avert a possible meltdown. Subway systems will be flooded because their drainage system will stop working.第2天-大多数核电站将关闭并进入自动安全模式,以避免可能发生的熔毁。 地铁系统将被淹没,因为他们的排水系统将停止工作。10 days - pets locked indoors,farm animals and zoo animals will die of starvation,those that somehow get to escape will start to look for food and eventually become wild animals,small dog breeds won&39;t survive in the wild,meanwhile,most of the food supply in supermarkets and in our homes will be rotted and domestic pests such as rats and cockroaches will thrive.10天后-宠物被锁在室内,农场动物和动物园动物会饿死,那些不知怎么逃出来的会开始寻找食物,最终变成野生动物,太小品种的狗无力在野外生存,同时,超市和我们家里的大部分食物会腐烂,家养的害虫,如老鼠和蟑螂会繁殖。

Anonymous《The Arabian Nights》作品简介与读书感悟

We know that 65 million years ago all the dinosaurs went extinct with the exception of the ancestors of birds. Mammals had been around for millions of years during at least the latter part of the 150 million year reign of the dinosaurs,but only existing as small burrowing forms.我们知道6500万年前除了鸟类的祖先以外,所有的恐龙都灭绝了。 哺乳动物至少在恐龙统治的1.5亿年的后期已经存在了数百万年,但只以小型穴居动物的形式存在。So,we can conclude that if the dinosaurs had not gone extinct,mammals would probably still be small burrowing forms. Or,at most,small arboreal forms finding safety in trees. Those early mammals could be unleashed only in the absence of dinosaurs and once that occurred,the rise of Man was inevitable.因此,我们可以得出这样的结论: 如果恐龙没有灭绝,哺乳动物很可能仍然是小型的穴居动物。 或者,最多也就是在树上找到安全地方的小树栖动物。 这些早期哺乳动物只有在恐龙消失的情况下才能被释放出来,一旦这种情况发生,人类的崛起就不可避免了。So,what would we see today if that huge asteroid had not smashed into the Yucatan? We would probably see an Earth dominated by an extremely wide diversity of dinosaurians every bit as diverse as we see in the mammals. And,at the very top? 那么,如果那颗巨大的小行星没有撞击尤卡坦半岛,我们今天会看到什么呢? 我们可能会看到一个由极其广泛的多样性的恐龙主宰的地球,就像我们在哺乳动物身上看到的那样。那么,在最顶端呢? Pooja VallamHumans have sent many animals to their extinction whether it be global warming,hunting,or even occupation on land. If humans didn&39;t exist,there would be the most unexpected animals roaming around in the most unexpected places -including North and South America- where not much life lingers today. It&39;s not only land animals that would favor our absense,acuatic life would live its life to the fullest. Oceans wouldn&39;t be exposed to pollution and the fish population would increase exponentially. However,humans have also given rise to domestic animals such as dogs and cats,and without humans domestic life would not survive. 无论是全球变暖、狩猎,还是陆地上的占领,人类已经使许多动物濒临灭绝,如果人类不存在,那么最意想不到的动物就会出现在最意想不到的地方——包括北美和南美——那里现在已经没有多少生命存在了。不仅仅是陆地动物喜欢我们简单的生活,真实的生活会过得很充实。 海洋不会受到污染,鱼类数量也会呈指数增长。 然而,人类也产生了家养动物,如狗和猫,没有人类家庭生活它们将无法生存Anonymous 匿名Not very different from what it looks like right now. Human influence is often exaggerated,as we only have the capacity to do significant alterations/damage for the last 100 years and we didn’t do anything significant yet,aside a few artificial lakes and isles. From outer space the only thing pointing to our existence are the glowing hubs of lighted cities at night.And this might sound cynical,but even compared to our influence on the climate and pollution of our environment,the greatest changers of Earths face are plants. Look at the vast forests covering Earth! Plants are also responsible for a few major extinctions,as they poisoned the oceans with oxygen and painted the red sulfide,methane skies blue.和现在看起来没什么不同。 人类的影响往往被夸大,因为我们只有能力在过去100年里做出重大的改变 / 破坏,除了一些人工湖泊和小岛,我们还没有做任何重大的事情。 从外太空唯一指向我们存在的东西就是夜晚灯火辉煌的城市中心。这听起来可能有点讽刺,但即使与我们对气候和环境污染的影响相比,地球上最大的改变者还是植物。看看覆盖地球的广阔森林! 植物也导致了一些大规模的物种灭绝,因为它们用氧气污染海洋,并把甲烷涂成红色的硫化物和蓝色。Amit VyasProbably the same.Some other species would take up human’s role on earth and do what we are doing today.Humans started evolving so fast and got so smart that we have not let any other species take over us,we have used the resources so much,so fast and so smartly that knowingly or unknowingly we have stopped other species from becoming as smart or smarter than what we are today. So it’s completely possible that the earth would be the same if humans were not there as some other species would have come in and done what we are doing today (or even worse..who knows)也许是一样的。其他一些物种会接替人类在地球上的角色,做我们今天正在做的事情。人类开始进化得如此之快,如此之聪明,以至于我们没有让任何其他物种取代我们,我们使用资源得如此之多,如此之快,如此之聪明,以至于我们有意或无意地阻止其他物种变得比我们今天更聪明或更聪明。 因此,如果人类不在地球上,地球完全有可能变成现在这个样子,因为其他物种可能会进入地球,做出我们今天所做的事情(甚至更糟糕,谁知道呢)Ahmet YilmazThe world has an amazing system. Now let us think there is no human on earth. Make a brainstorm now.There are plants are producing oxygen and food for consumers. There are consumers are producing carbondioxide for producers. And most important part of the earth is composers. They are breaking away the dead animal and plants and give some minerals to the earth. And composers and rain clean the world.There was no problem about ozon layer till human are created. Everything was going perfect. Human came on earth and screw up wonderful system.这个世界有一个神奇的系统。现在让我们认为地球上没有人类。现在做一个头脑风暴。有些植物正在为消费者生产氧气和食物。有些消费者正在为生产者制造二氧化碳。 地球上最重要的部分是作曲家。 他们正在剥离死去的动物和植物,并给大地一些矿物质。 作曲家和雨水清洁着世界。直到人类被创造出来之前,臭氧层是没有问题的。 一切都很完美。人类来到地球,搞砸了这个奇妙的系统。Al-Amin NowshadEarth will regain its youth. At least we are not good for the earth itself. we are destroying this beautiful planet. So,if we are not here,it will be a lot natural place though no one will be there to praise her beauty地球将重获青春。至少我们对地球本身没有好处。 我们正在摧毁这个美丽的星球。 所以,如果我们不在这里,它将是一个很自然的地方,虽然没有人会在那里赞美她的美丽

Ryan QuinnIt would be a much more rural place. Sprawling urban development would be replaced with vast swaths of vegetation and wildlife. CO2 emissions would decrease considerably,the ozone layer would heal,global warming would slow,and there would be nearly no oil spillage. Within a few millenia it would be as if mankind had never been here,with the exception of a few notable landmarks (i.e. the great pyramids and Mt. Rushmore).这将是一个更加乡村的地方。 庞大的城市发展将被大片的植被和野生动物所取代。 二氧化碳排放量将大幅减少,臭氧层将得到修复,全球变暖将减缓,而且几乎不会有石油泄漏。 在几千年的时间里,除了一些著名的标志性建筑(如金字塔和 Mt. Rushmore) ,人类似乎从未来过这里。Don EdwardsThe show was boring as hell to me,but if you&39;re really interested in knowing what happens,you need to watch the show Life After People.这个节目对我来说非常无聊,但是如果你真的想知道发生了什么,你需要看看《人类消失后的生活》这个节目。This show is based solely on the question you asked. It focuses on a different part of the city each episode and shows how it will gradually decay over time. The only episode I saw was talking about how domestic animals,like cats and dogs,would survive. It was a really interesting show. I just couldn&39;t get over the narrators monotoned voice throughout the whole show.这个节目完全是基于你提出的问题。 每一集都聚焦于城市的不同部分,展示了它是如何随着时间的推移逐渐衰退的。 我看到的唯一一集是关于家畜如何生存的,比如猫和狗。这是一个非常有趣的节目。 在整个节目中,我就是无法克服叙述者单调的声音。Michael CataldoMy answer has no basis in fact. Just a guess on my part. However,I’ve often wondered if left to their own devices if other primates would have eventually become better tool users,if only to protect them from one of the predatory feline species,which should/might become the apex predators. Humans have destroyed that ninch for them (both felines and primates) in the environment.我的回答毫无事实根据。我只是猜测而已。 然而,我经常在想,如果任其自生自灭,其他灵长类动物是否最终会成为更好的工具使用者,哪怕只是为了保护它们免受其中一种掠食性猫科动物的伤害,而这种动物应该/ 可能会成为顶级捕食。人类已经在自然环境中消灭了猫科动物和灵长类动物。While some other life on the planet,most notably the Delphinidae (dolphins,killer whales) are intelligent without the ability to manipulate their environment they would have a most difficult time changing their environment.地球上的其他生物,尤其是海豚科(海豚、虎鲸) ,虽然没有操纵环境的能力,但它们却很难改变自己的环境。Because of this lack,the planet might be healthier.正因为如此,地球可能会更健康。Alan T ThomasHUMAN- The creature which dominate every other living being on the context of just a highly evolved BRAIN.Let me call every such organisms in the whole universe who stands on the top of evolution basis as HUMAN (after all it is just a name we made for ourselves).THEN NOTHING WILL BE DIFFERENT if the organisms didn&39;t evolve this much except the fact that every living being in the universe ENJOY AN EXTENDED LIFETIME.人类是在高度进化的大脑的背景下支配其他生物的生物。让我把整个宇宙中站在进化顶端的每一个这样的有机体称为人类(毕竟这只是我们为自己取的名字)。如果有机体没有进化到这种程度,那么一切都不会有什么不同,除了这样一个事实:宇宙中的每一个生命都享受着延长的寿命。Rick AlmedaDuring these past few days when everyone was quarantined inside their homes because of Covid 19,the sky seemed bluer especially in metropolitan areas,the trees seemed greener and were flowering. You could just imagine if all of us were gone- cities would turn back into jungles,the sky would be clean,rivers and lakes would have clear water,and animals would take on over the Earth.在过去的几天里,每个人都因为 Covid 19而被隔离在家里,天空看起来更蓝了,特别是在大都市地区,树木看起来更绿了,开花了。 你可以想象,如果我们都消失了——城市会重新变成丛林,天空会变得干净,河流和湖泊会有清澈的水,动物会占据整个地球。ARP LEEA lot more diverse,the oceans would be clean with a booming ecosystem and much more vibrant,all sorts of untouched natural treasures. humans killed off and transformed a lot of nature so we have less of it to appreciate now. but only for a few hundred million years until earth hot enough for the oceans to start evaporating,transforming into a Venus through greenhouse effect because of suns increasing brightness by 1% every 100 million years.如果海洋变得更加多样化,那么海洋将会变得更加干净,生态系统将会蓬勃发展,各种各样的自然资源将会变得更加生机勃勃。 人类毁灭并改变了大自然,所以我们现在没什么可欣赏的了。 但是只持续了几亿年,直到地球变热到足以让海洋开始蒸发,通过温室效应变成金星,因为太阳每一亿年增加1%的亮度。


Ramesh RajaIf there were no human beings in this world the sea waves still come,wind will come,rain will come ,tree will grow,there will be forest,day and night will happen it means there is supernatural or natural power. So natural or supernatural power exist.如果这个世界上没有人类,海浪还会来,风会来,雨会来,树会生长,还会有森林,白天和黑夜会发生,这意味着有超自然或自然的力量。 因此,自然或超自然的力量存在。

《The Arabian Nights (Penguin Popular Classics)》(Sir Richard Burton)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读 链接: 提取码: 9g9y 书名:The Arabian Nights (Penguin Popula。

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