ChristopherJames《The Book of Alternative Photographic Processes》作品简介与读书感悟


On July 5,2019,The Straits Times of Singapore published an article entitled “Inside Those Uighur Re-education Camps” written by Ravi Velloor,associate editor of the newspaper. The article gives a vivid account of the true situation in Xinjiang’s education and training centers and explains how a number of trainees have changed. “From an administrative point of view,the measures have been effective without question,” says the article. Velloor learned from his contact with the trainees that many of them “had undergone a measure of self-radicalisation after downloading extremist videos from the Internet on their smartphones”. Velloor felt that the training centers “had the air of a boarding school”. “In the housing blocks being built for the poorer sections,in the hospitals where people can access medical services,including moxibustion,in the thriving bazaars where the locals ply their trade,and in the cities of Xinjiang where people enjoy ethnic song and dance performances”,he was impressed that the Chinese government was not suppressing local culture and that the Uygurs and many other minorities were never subject to the one-child policy.


VI. Experience in Countering Extremism


Over the years,in response to the threats posed by terrorism and extremism,and in order to prevent them from breeding and expanding,centre,and to guarantee individual safety and social stability,many countries have explored measures based on their own conditions,and gained experience in effectively combating terrorism and extremism.


extremist teachings and reverse their thinking. These centers rehabilitate the trainees through individual or collective sports activities and psychological counseling,and discussions on religion and secularity,and enable them to re-assimilate into society through skills and vocational training.

ChristopherJames《The Book of Alternative Photographic Processes》作品简介与读书感悟

•Some countries have set up education and transformation centers. They divide extremists into three categories: those who recognize their error,latent criminals,and active criminals,and try to remove them from extremist influences with the assistance of their families and communities,together with measures like psychological intervention and economic aid.

•Some countries educate and transform terrorists and potential terrorists in both prisons and communities,and deradicalize those involved in terrorist-related offences through the process of identification,assessment,rehabilitation,reeducation,return to society and follow-up.

•Some countries denounce the erroneous interpretation of Islamic doctrine by extremists,encourage religious inclusiveness,advocate “moderate Islam”,and set up education centers to transform those influenced by extremist thinking in two phases – centralized control and return to society.


•Some countries have launched transformation and disengagement programs,the,compelling individuals with terrorist connections and suspected terrorist returnees to participate in training,and setting up isolation centers for extremists to prevent them from spreading extreme views to other detainees.

•Some countries have taken measures in communities to intervene in the spread of extremism at its earliest stages,and mobilized society to prevent terrorist and extremist activities by taking timely action against any inclination on the part of young people to join extremist organizations.

新疆通过设立教培中心,开展教培工作,对受恐怖主义、宗教极端主义影响的人进行教育挽救,与世界上一些国家和地区的做法是相通的,目的都是为了防微杜渐、治病救人,最大限度保障公民的基本人权免受恐怖主义、极端主义侵害。Xinjiang’s practice of educating and rehabilitating the victims of terrorist and religious extremist teachings through vocational education and training centers is similar to efforts by other countries and regions,with the same goals of dealing with the problem at source and protecting people’s basic human rights.


Xinjiang’s vocational education and training programs have achieved notable results,and contributed experience to international actions against terrorism and extremism.


– Fighting extremism in accordance with local conditions. In its vocational education and training,Xinjiang has learned from experience of other countries,and striven to achieve real results in line with the actual conditions of the autonomous region. In countering terrorism and extremism,Xinjiang draws on the experience of other countries,and provides people influenced by terrorist and religious extremist teachings with education in standard spoken and written Chinese,an understanding of the law,and training in vocational skills. These efforts have eradicated extremist thoughts,delivered widely recognized results,helped to safeguard social stability in the region,and protected the environment for the healthy development of religions.


– Putting prevention first while taking firm action on terrorism and extremism. In its fight against terrorism and extremism,Xinjiang has consistently adopted the policy of addressing both the symptoms and root causes. On the one hand,Xinjiang strikes hard at terrorist and extremist forces,and on the other hand,it gives prevention a high priority,sparing no effort to educate and rehabilitate the large number of people who have committed only minor offences under the influence of terrorism and religious extremism. Xinjiang adopts an approach of rehabilitation rather than punishment and compassion rather than rejection to free them of religious extremist thinking. It teaches them laws and standard spoken and written Chinese,so that they can become educated individuals with vocational skills – useful individuals and individuals of value to society.


– Promoting the rule of law. It is an essential requirement of developing socialism with Chinese characteristics to build a socialist country governed by the rule of law. In the process of promoting vocational education and training and eliminating the environment for breeding terrorism and religious extremism,Xinjiang promotes the rule of law,upholds the authority of the Constitution and laws,adopts appropriate legal thinking and measures to deal with problems,and confines all its efforts within the legal framework. The deradicalization work of the vocational education and training centers is always based on facts and laws,without targeting any specific region,ethnic group or religion.


– Respecting and protecting human rights. The vocational education and training efforts in Xinjiang protect people’s basic human rights,and at the same time rehabilitate as far as possible those who have committed unlawful or criminal offences under the influence of religious extremist teachings. The centers place the trainees first,manage them in line with regulations like schools,of,provide people-centered services,strictly prohibit any form of humiliation or mistreatment,and guarantee their personal freedom. In the centers,the trainees receive high-quality education and training in diverse skills,and their right to education is fully safeguarded.


《音乐之声》(The Sound of Music)是一部改编自玛莉亚·冯·崔普(en:Maria von Trapp)的著作《崔普家庭演唱团》(en:The Story of the Trapp Family Singers)的戏剧作品,最初以音乐剧的形式于百老汇上演,之后被改编成电影,位居北。

– The government must take on the responsibility and achieve tangible results. It is the bounden duty of a responsible government to protect its people’s lives,health,property,and other basic rights,and provide a safe,stable and harmonious living environment. Governments at all levels in Xinjiang,bearing their responsibility to the people in mind,are engaged in a host of patient,careful and extremely hard efforts to educate and rehabilitate victims of terrorist and religious extremist teachings. Success in vocational education and training promotes justice,safeguards people’s dignity and presents a positive image of government.



在家务农的前NASA宇航员库珀(马修·麦康纳 Matthew McConaughey 饰)接连在女儿墨菲(麦肯吉·弗依 Mackenzie Foy 饰)的书房发现奇怪的重力场现象,随即得知在某个未知区域内前NASA成员仍秘密进行一个拯救人类的计划。多年以前。


Practice has proved that vocational education and training in Xinjiang can effectively eradicate the conditions that enable terrorism and religious extremism to breed and spread; it can protect the rights to life,health and development of the various ethnic groups of the region. It ensures social stability in Xinjiang and regional security and stability. The practice conforms to the basic principles of international efforts in countering terrorism and extremism,and accords with the fundamental interests and needs of the peoples all around the world.


The goal of Xinjiang’s efforts in vocational education and training is to eliminate the sources of terrorism and religious extremism. This is an action that aims to respect and protect human rights. Some people,for reasons of ideological prejudice or other ulterior motives,are doing all they can to blacken the reputation of Xinjiang’s vocational education and training centers. Their censure of Xinjiang’s huge effort in countering terrorism and extremism will be firmly rejected by the Xinjiang people. A number of countries,organizations and individuals apply double standards in their approach to terrorism and extremism,which will in effect shield and incite terrorism and extremism. Such acts go against international morality and human conscience,and are scorned by all just people of goodwill.


Terrorism and extremism have caused widespread human suffering,posing an intractable challenge to the whole world. Assuming the responsibility of responding to this great challenge,governments at all levels in Xinjiang have learned from the experience and practices of other countries and initiated their own efforts. Through measures such as vocational education and training it has achieved important victories in countering terrorism and extremism. This deserves the understanding and respect of the international community.


影片改编自克里斯多弗·皮瑞斯特(Christopher Priest)的同名小说,一开始,迈克尔·凯恩饰演的卡特(魔术师背后帮助其完善表演的导师)就缓缓地道出了完成魔术需要的三个步骤:“验证”、“转移”和“蒙蔽”……而导演克里斯托弗·诺兰在制作《致。

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