Stevens,John/Suresha,Ron(EDT)《Sacred Calligraphy of the East》作品简介与读书感悟



“爱与和平”50位中外书画家作品展&34; Exhibition of 50 Chinese and Foreign Calligraphers and Painters for Commemorating China's Legal Seat Restoration in the United Nations

2021年是新中国恢复联合国合法席位50周年,国家重视,世界注目,这是非常值得纪念的时刻!2021 is the 50th anniversary of the restoration of new China's legal seat in the United Nations. The country have great emphasis on it and the world pays attention to it. This is a very memorable moment!

历史告诉我们,1971年10月25日在第二十六届联合国大会上通过第2758号决议,决定恢复中华人民共和国在联合国的一切权利,承认中华人民共和国政府代表是中国在联合国的唯一合法代表。History tells us that on October 25,1971,Resolution 2758 was passed at the 26th United Nations General Assembly of the United Nations,which decided to restore all the rights of the People&39;s Republic of China as the only legal representatives of China in the United Nations.

这50年来,中国作为世界上最大的发展中国家和安理会常任理事国,始终秉持联合国宪章宗旨和原则,大力弘扬多边主义精神和理念,为实现联合国理想、促进联合国发展壮大和人类发展进步作出了不懈努力和重大贡献。Over the past 50 years,China,as the largest developing country in the world and a Permanent Member of the United Nations Security Council,has always adhered to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter,vigorously promoted the spirit and concept of multilateralism,and made unremitting efforts and significant contributions to the realization of the UN ideals,the promotion of the development and growth of the UN and the progress of human development.

中国是第一个在联合国宪章上签字的国家,中国代表用中国文化神圣之笔——毛笔,在联合国宪章上庄重留下了永恒的中国印记。China is the first country to sign in the Charter of the United Nations. With the sacred pen of Chinese culture,the brush-pen,the representative of China has solemnly left an eternal Chinese mark in the Charter of the United Nations.

值此新中国恢复联合国合法席位50周年之期,“你好 联合国 NIHAO UN”组织策划举办“纪念中国恢复联合国合法席位50周年'爱与和平'50位中外书画家作品展”,邀请海内外50位华人书画家,挥动中国文化神圣之笔——毛笔,创作以&34;为主题的书法和中国画,表达对新中国恢复联合国50周年纪念之情,赞颂新中国对世界和平与发展作出的重要贡献。

At the time of the 50th anniversary of the restoration of new China&34;NIHAO UN&34;Exhibition of 50 Chinese and Foreign Calligraphers and Painters&39;s Legal Seat Restoration in the United Nations&34;Love and Peace",to express the feelings for the 50th anniversary of the restoration of the United Nations to new China and praise the important contribution of new China to world peace and development.

受邀参展的书画家,涵盖了全球五大洲国家和地区,包括中国内地书画名家、中国港澳台地区和世界多个国家华人书画团体负责人,他们均在当今世界华人书画界是显赫有名的艺术人士,或知名的国际文艺活动家,为传播中国文化而不遗余力!The calligraphers and painters invited to the exhibition cover countries and regions from the Five continents in the world,including the famous calligraphers and painters in mainland China,the leaders of Chinese Calligraphers and painters groups in Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan and many other countries in the world. They are prominent artists or well-known international literary and artistic activists in today's World Chinese Calligraphers and painters. They dedicate all their effort to spread Chinese culture!

50位参展者(以姓氏笔画为序):50 participants (in the order of surname strokes)

王学甫(中国) 草书 唐·常建《赛下曲四首·之一》Wang Xuefu ,China,wrote “One of the Four Frontier Poems” by Chang Jian in Tang dynasty in cursive script

方爱生(中国)楷书《王毅谈中国恢复联合国合法席位五十周年》节选Fang Aisheng,China,wrote &39;s Legal Seat Restoration in the United Nations" in regular script

孔令民(俄罗斯) 篆书《铭记历史 珍爱和平》Kong Lingmin ,Russia,wrote &34; in seal script

邓新江(中国) 草书 《永驻和平报吉祥 放飞梦想展欢颜》Deng Xinjiang ,China,wrote &34; in cursive script

石砚洗(中国) 国画《行稳致远》Shi Yanxi ,China,traditional Chinese painting titled &34;

Stevens,John/Suresha,Ron(EDT)《Sacred Calligraphy of the East》作品简介与读书感悟

叶欣(韩国) 隶书《爱的力量是和平》Ye Xin ,Korea,wrote “The power of Love is Peace” in clerical script

叶华洲(中国)楷书《亲仁善邻 协和万邦》Ye Huazhou ,China),wrote &34; in regular script

叶培荣(葡萄牙) 国画《开艳盖神州》Ye Peirong ,Portugal,traditional Chinese painting titled "Blossom Covers China”

任 冉(中国)国画 清代·郑板桥《竹》Ren Ran,China,traditional Chinese painting titled &34; by Zheng Banqiao in Qing Dynasty

任宪生(中国)国画《细雨巴山诗意浓》Ren Xiansheng,China,traditional Chinese painting titled &34;

任慧文(中国澳门)国画《和平友爱迎花季》Ren Huiwen,Macao,China,traditional Chinese Painting titled &34;

刘树德(巴西)篆书《和为贵》Liu Shude,Brazil,wrote “Harmony is precious” in seal script

江海滨(中国) 国画 明代止庵法师《为顺首座题画》Jiang Haibin ,China,traditional Chinese painting titled “Painting for the Next Seat of Honour” by Master Zhiyan in Ming dynasty.

阮渊椿(印尼) 国画《送瘟神》Ruan Yuanchun ,Indonesia,traditional Chinese painting titled &34;

李冬霞(迪拜) 国画《让世界充满爱》Li Dongxia,Dubai,traditional Chinese painting titled &34;

李兆银(美国) 行书 《和平》Li Zhaoyin,USA,wrote “Peace” in cursive handwriting

李国栋(泰国) 行书《爱与和平》Li Guodong ,Thailand,wrote “Love and Peace” in cursive handwriting

李秋平(中国澳门) 国画《和谐盛世》Li Qiuping ,Macao,China,traditional Chinese painting titled &34;

杨开金(中国) 行书《四海和谐天地广 五洲富庶日月新》Yang Kaijin ,China wrote cursive handwriting &34;

杨牧青(中国) 国画《山川作证 和平永恒》Yang Muqing ,China,traditional Chinese painting titled &34;

吴永雄(中国) 行书《讴歌乾坤广阔 赞美世界和平》Wu yongxiong ,China,wrote “Eulogizing the vast universe and praising world peace” in cursive handwriting

爱新觉罗启年(中国)行书《爱和平》Aixinjueluo Qinian ,China,wrote “Love Peace” in cursive handwriting

张守涛(中国) 篆书《太平世界 环球同此冷热》Zhang Shoutao ,China,wrote “Peaceful world with common feeling” in seal script

张宝彤(中国) 行书《博爱与和平》Zhang Baotong ,China,wrote “Fraternity and Peace” in cursive handwriting

张崔佰(美国) 国画《红鹤献寿》Zhang Cuibai ,USA,traditional Chinese painting titled &34;

张道森(中国)国画《志存高远》Zhang Daosen,China,traditional Chinese painting titled &34;

陆惟华(比利时) 国画《青山欲对高人言》Lu Weihua,Belgium,traditional Chinese painting titled &34;

陈志声(中国台湾) 篆书《保台论坛》Chen Zhisheng,Taiwan,China,wrote &34; in seal script

陈志雄(中国) 国画《映日红霞》Chen Zhixiong,China,traditional Chinese painting titled &34;

陈秉奎(法国)楷书《你好 联合国》Chen Bingkui,France,wrote &34; in regular script

陈荣亲(中国) 楷书《世界大同为义友 天下祥和无战争》Chen Rongqin,China,regular script &34;

范淳奇(中国香港)隶书《身间诗旷逸 心静梦和平》Fan Chunqi,Hong Kong,China,wrote "Poetry in the body,peace dream in the heart” in official script

林伯墀 (澳大利亚) 国画《千古淋漓君子魂》Lin Bolong,Australia,traditional Chinese painting titled &34;

金岳祺(德国)楷书《林海七律》Jin Yueqi,Germany,wrote &34; in regular script

袁维学(中国) 篆书《四海和谐添锦绣 五洲富庶起祥云》Yuan Weixue,China,wrote &34; in seal script

段昭南(美国) 国画《火烧子都》Duan Zhaonan,USA,traditional Chinese painting titled &34;

段晓帝(中国) 国画《雄鹰展翅正时代》Duan Xiaodi,China),traditional Chinese paintingtitled &34;

晋鸥(日本) 篆书《大爱无疆》Jin Ou,Japan,wrote &34; in seal script

唐柏飞(中国) 隶书《和平万岁》Tang baifei,China,wrote “Long live the peace” in official script

屠新时(美国) 行书《思九州之博大 横四海以无穹》Tu Xinshi,USA,wrote &34; in cursive handwriting

韩天雍(中国) 篆书《家国情怀 珍爱和平》Han Tianyong ,China,wrote “Homeland feelings and cherish peace” in seal script

Stevens,John/Suresha,Ron(EDT)《Sacred Calligraphy of the East》作品简介与读书感悟

蔡维敏(英国) 国画《万紫千红颂和平》Cai Weimin&34;Praising peace with thousands of colors"

潘传贤(中国) 隶书 唐代·魏徽《五郊乐章·白帝商音》诗句五郊乐章·黄帝宫音Pan Chuanxian,China,wrote the poem titled &34; by Wei Hui in Tang Dynasty in official script.

潘锦玲(中国澳门) 国画《和气致祥》Pan Jinling ,Macao,China,traditional Chinese painting titled &34;

魏峰(中国)甲骨文《世界大同多义友 天下祥和无战争》Wei Feng ,China,wrote &34; in oracle inscriptions

上一篇 2023年02月03 09:01
下一篇 2023年02月11 08:02


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