LindsayC.Gibson《Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents》作品简介与读书感悟



The Fantasy Bond in Childhood and Intimate Relationships


The human experience can be conceptualized as a series of separation experiences ending with death,the ultimate separation. Each successive separation or movement through life — separating from the mother’s body at birth and later from her breast,beginning to walk,talk,and develop a sense of self,going to school,dating,marrying,and becoming a parent and grandparent—predisposes an individual to anxiety. The basic tenet of my theoretical system is the concept of the fantasy bond: the core defense against separation,and later,death anxiety. The fantasy bond refers to the forming of a fantasy of connection or fusion,originally with the mother or primary caretaker,and later with other family members and romantic partners,in order to compensate for emotional pain and separation anxiety. The illusion offers the child some relief from primal pain,but at the same time,the fantasy processes contribute to various degrees of maladaptation. How people cope with trauma and existential fear,and form defenses,will ultimately determine the course of their emotional lives.







Even under ideal developmental conditions,children suffer a certain amount of hurt and frustration and are likely to form defenses to cope with the stress brought about by these experiences. Along with existential realities,family life does not always adequately provide for the healthy emotional nurturance of children. Many parents are immature and critical,even hostile or punitive,and reject the child,causing him or her considerable pain and distress. The child’s fantasized connection with its parent helps alleviate frustration and anxiety by providing partial gratification of his/her emotional needs. The fantasy bond does not refer to a positive bonding between child and parent; indeed,it is a substitute or compensation for the love and care that is missing in the infant’s environment. The need for and the dependence on the fantasy connection is directly proportional to the degree of trauma.







“Fantasy Bond”greatly reduces the possibility of real intimacy


Most people have fears of intimacy and are self-protective and at the same time are terrified of being alone. Their solution to their emotional dilemma is to form a fantasy bond. This illusion of connection and closeness allows them to maintain an image of love and loving while preserving emotional distance. Destructive fantasy bonds,which exist in a large majority of relationships,greatly reduce the possibility of couples achieving intimacy.


Fantasy bond explains people's compulsion to relive the past with new relationships—to form illusory connections that invariably lead to a reenactment of defensive styles of interacting developed in childhood.


This process of reverting to outmoded defense patterns interferes with the establishment of secure and satisfying adult relationships characterized by feelings of humanity,compassion,and equality. Once a fantasy bond is formed,individuals prefer to maintain a defensive posture rather than trusting and investing genuine feeing in others. Having once been hurt,they are reluctant to take a chance again and this defensive pattern has an insidious effect on couple and family relationships.



There are four important dynamics associated with the fantasy bond:


1. Children idealize the mother or primary caretaker and tend to deny or cover up painful abuses suffered in that relationship.

1. 孩子将母亲或主要看护人理想化,常常会否认或掩盖这段关系中所遭受的痛苦虐待。

2. Because of the child’s total helplessness and dependency,it is too threatening to attack or find fault with the parental figure. Therefore,the child incorporates negative attitudes,and attacks him- or herself,accepting the idea that he/she is unlovable,dirty,bad,a burden。

2. 由于孩子的完全无助和依赖性,去攻击或指责父母或看护者是具有很大风险的,因此,孩子会内化负面态度,攻击自我,接受自己无可爱之处、脏、坏或是负担这些观念。

3. Children project their parents’ negative traits,emotional mistreatment,and abusive characteristics onto the world at large,leaving the child suspicious and fearful of other individuals,and generally ill-at-ease in life.

3. 孩子将父母的负面特征、精神虐待以及虐待型特征投射到整个现实世界,the,让孩子质疑并恐惧其他个体,在生活中无所适从。

4. Finally,through the process of identification,children come to manifest specific,negative characteristics of their parents in their own personalities,thereby becoming a more hurtful or objectionable person. The fantasy bond,together with rudimentary self-nurturing,self-soothing behaviors,such as thumb sucking or hugging a favorite blanket,becomes part of a self-parenting process that leads to a false sense of self-sufficiency. Later in life,this can lead to addictive propensities,such as eating disorders,drug and alcohol abuse,and other self-nurturing behaviors. To some extent,infants and young children can develop a posture of pseudo-independence and omnipotence because they have introjected an image of the “good and powerful” parent into the self and therefore maintain the illusion that they don’t need anything from the outside. However,as mentioned earlier,they have also incorporated their parents’ rejecting attitudes and hostile views toward them and come to see themselves through unfriendly eyes. The resultant negative self-concept,expressed in the form of self-attacking voices,serves to become part of an anti-self-system — an internal enemy that persists throughout life.Once a fantasy bond is formed,the principal goal of most people is to rely on the safety and security of this imagined connection; often they come to prefer fantasy gratification to real satisfaction and love from others. Thereafter,genuine indications of being loved and valued may,at times,arouse anxiety and lead to hostility toward the very people who offer them the greatest satisfaction.

4. 最后,通过认同,孩子开始在个人性格中展现他们父母的一些特定负面特征,由此成长为更具伤害性、或更惹人讨厌的人。


LindsayC.Gibson《Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents》作品简介与读书感悟


链接: 提取码: bfd9 书名:不成熟的父母 作者:[美] 琳赛·吉布森(Lindsay C. Gibson)译者:魏宁 豆瓣评分:8.7 出版社:机械工业出版社 出版年份:2017-6 。



How the Fantasy Bond Develops in Intimate Relationships亲密感情关系中“幻想亲密”如何形成

Men and women are most likely to become romantically involved at a stage in their lives where they are breaking dependent emotional ties with their families and experiencing a sense of separateness and independence. As they reach out and risk more of themselves emotionally,they tend to attract others with their vitality and enthusiasm. In the first stages of the relationship,they tend to let down their defenses and be open and vulnerable.


LindsayC.Gibson《Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents》作品简介与读书感悟





1. Selection: People tend to select partners who are similar in appearance or personality to a family


2. Distortion: Partners tend to alter or distort their perceptions of each other in a direction that more closely resembles a person in their family of origin.


3. Provocation: If the first two methods fail to establish emotional equilibrium,partners are inclined to manipulate each other in order to replicate familiar parental responses. They may achieve this by acting incompetent,with displays of anger (shown through temper tantrums) and bullying,or through other childish,regressed behaviors. Often,the most tender and intimate moments are followed by provocations that create distance.


*By the time most people reach adulthood,they have solidified their defenses and exist in a psychological equilibrium that they do not wish to disturb. Although they may be relatively congenial with more casual acquaintances,there is a deterioration in friendly and respectful feelings as a relationship becomes more meaningful and intimate,because the new love object now threatens to disrupt this balance by penetrating their basic defenses.



Symptoms of a Fantasy Bond in the Couple


Early symptoms of a fantasy bond include diminished eye contact between partners,less honesty and more duplicity,bickering,interrupting,speaking for the other,and/or talking as a unit. And those who spent hours in conversation in the early phases of the relationship,begin to lose interest in both talking and listening. Also,spontaneity and playfulness gradually decrease. Often the partners develop a routinized,mechanical style of lovemaking and experience a reduction in the level of sexual attraction and satisfaction.


This decline in the quality of relating is not the inevitable result of familiarity,as many assume. Instead,it is due to insecurity,deadening habitual patterns,exaggerated dependency,negative projections,loss of independence,and a sense of obligation. As time goes by,one or both partners generally begin to sacrifice their individuality to become one half of a couple,which tends to diminish their basic attraction to each other. Eventually,many people are left with only a fantasy of love. They preserve this illusion of love through routines,rituals (e.g. birthdays and anniversaries),and role-playing,despite the fact that an objective observation of how they are actually treating each other may no longer resemble any reasonable definition of love.



主演:Dick Durock / Mark Lindsay Chapman / Carrell Myers毒枭风云毒枭风云 (1990) [ 演员 ]导演:利昴 艾查索 (Leon Ichaso)1人评价No Retreat, No Surrender 3: Blood BrothersNo Retreat, No Surrender 3: Blood Brothers (

A fantasy bond is the antithesis of a healthy personal relationship where individuals are free to express their real feelings and desires. This destructive tie functions to perpetuate feelings of distrust,self-hating thought processes,and the inward behavior patterns that each person brings to the relationship. In their destructive coupling,men and women surrender their unique points of view for an illusion of safety.


Perhaps the most significant sign that a fantasy bond has been formed is when one or both partners give up vital areas of personal interest,their unique perspectives and opinions,and their individuality to become a unit,a whole.


The attempt to find security in an illusion of merging with another leads to an insidious and progressive loss of identity in each person. The individuals involved learn to rely more and more on habitual contact,with less and less personal feeling. They find life increasingly hollow and empty as they give up more aspects of their personalities.



How can you break into the fantasy bond


There are a number of steps that individual partners can take to break into the fantasy bond they have formed with each other. Partners can:


1. Admit the existence of a fantasy bond. Stop denying that they have become distant and their actions are no longer loving.


2. Reveal feelings of anger,hostility,and withholding patterns and admit critical,hostile attitudes toward themselves and their partner.


3. Face the psychological pain and sadness involved in attempting to reestablish intimacy.


4. Expose their fears of individuation and separation,including the fear of loss or death of their partner as well as their own death.


5. Move toward independence and respect for each other and establish true equality. Disrupt reciprocal patterns of dominance,submission,and defiance.


6. Develop a non-defensive posture toward feedback and an open and honest style of communication.


7. Move toward increased interaction with others—extend one's circle of family and friends to provide better reality testing.


LindsayC.Gibson《Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents》作品简介与读书感悟


Implications for Psychotherapy


Unless manifestations of the fantasy bond are identified and challenged,therapeutic progress will not be sustained in the relationship. Therefore,effective psychotherapy would mean that a couple’s destructive bonds are revealed and understood in the context of everyone’s fears and anxieties. Negative aspects of partners’ inward lifestyles,and distortions and projections brought to the relationship from past programming,are faced and gradually relinquished. Each person must challenge the idealization of his/her parents and his/her corresponding negative self-image. The ultimate goal of relationship therapy is to help each partner effectively cope with his/her fantasy bond and associated defenses,find satisfaction in goal-directed behavior,and increase his/her tolerance for love and intimacy.



Positive change takes place only when the fantasy bond in the original family is investigated and its reestablishment is challenged in the current relationship. As fantasy bonds were understood and relinquished,the individuals in a relationship manifest new energy,self-possession,and vitality—and are able to become loving companions and allies.


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