RichardOsman《The Man Who Died Twice》作品简介与读书感悟







1 The man who died 死人

I returned to my flat at about three o&39;Richard Hannay,&39;you have made a mistake,and you had better do something about it.'

1994年,当suede的第二张专辑`Dog Man Star′还在制作阶段,吉他手Bernard Butler宣布离开这个乐团,并留下一首未完成作品(The Power,后来Brett完成吉他部分。Richard看到这个消息,提笔写了一封信到Suede Fan Club去,并附了一些suede的歌曲。


RichardOsman《The Man Who Died Twice》作品简介与读书感悟

It made me angry when I thought of the years I had spent in Africa. I had spent those years working very hard and making money. Not a lot of money,but enough for me. I had left Scotland when I was six years old,and I had never been home since. For years I had dreamt of coming home to Britain and spending the rest of my life there,but I was disappointed with the place after the first week. And so here I was,thirty-seven years old,healthy,with enough money to have a good time,and bored to death.


That evening I went out to dinner and sat reading the newspapers afterwards. They were full of the troubles in south-east Europe,and there was a long report about Karolides,the Greek Prime Minister. He seemed to be an honest man,but some people in Europe hated him. However,many people in Britain liked him,and one newspaper said that he was the only man who could prevent a war starting. I remember wondering if I could get a job in south-east Europe;it might be a lot less boring than life in London.


As I walked home that night,I decided to give Britain one more day. If nothing interesting happened,I would take the next boat back to Africa.


My flat was in a big new building in Langham Place. There was a doorman at the entrance to the building,but each flat was separate,with its own front door. I was just putting the key into my door when a man appeared next to me. He was thin,with a short brown beard and small,very bright eyes. I recognized him as the man who lived in a flat on the top floor of the building. We had spoken once or twice on the stairs.


&39;he asked. &39;His voice was shaking a little.


I opened the door and we went in.


&39;he asked,and quickly locked it himself.


&39;m very sorry,&39;It&39;m in a dangerous corner and you looked like the kind of man who would understand. If I explain,will you help me?'


&39;ll listen to you,&39;That&39;I was getting worried by this strange man's behaviour.


There was a table with drinks on it next to him,and he took a large whisky for himself. He drank it quickly,and then put the glass down so violently that it broke.


&39;m sorry,&39;I&39;m dead. '


RichardOsman《The Man Who Died Twice》作品简介与读书感悟

I sat down in an armchair and lit my pipe.


&39;I asked. I was now almost sure that the man was mad.


He smiled. &39;m not mad-yet. Listen,I&39;re not easily frightened. I&39;re the right man to ask. '


&39;I said,&39;ll tell you if I can help you. '


It was an extraordinary story. I didn't understand all of it,and I had to ask a lot of questions,but here it is:


His name was Franklin P. Scudder and he was an American,but he had been in south-east Europe for several years. By accident,he had discovered a group of people who were working secretly to push Europe towards a war. These people were clever,and dangerous. Some of them wanted to change the world through war;others simply wanted to make a lot of money,and there is always money to be made from a war. Their plan was to get Russia and Germany at war with each other.


&39;Scudder told me,&39;


&39;I said.



&39;ll tell you about that in a minute,&39;But first,do you know who Constantine Karolides is?'


&39;ve just been reading about him in today&39;


&39;s the only man who can stop the war. He&39;s honest,and he knows what&39;t kill Karolides in Greece because he has too many guards. But on the 15th of June he&39;


&39;I said. &39;ll stay at home. '


&39;s what his enemies want. If he doesn&39;ll win,because he&39;


&39;t you go to the British police?'I said.


&39;t stop the murder. The murderer will be caught,and he&39;

I was beginning to like this strange little man. I gave him another whisky and asked him why he thought that he was now in danger himself.


He took a large mouthful of whisky. &39;re still following me. There's a man watching this building and last night somebody put a card under my door. On it was the name of the man I fear most in the world.


&39;s easy to get one in London,if you know how-and I had the body brought to my flat in a large suitcase. The body was the right age,but the face was different from mine. I dressed it in my clothes and shot it in the face with my own gun. My servant will find me when he arrives in the morning and he&39;ve left a lot of empty whisky bottles in my room. The police will think I drank too much and then killed myself. &39;I watched from the window until I saw you come home,and then came down the stairs to meet you. '


It was the strangest of stories. However,in my experience,the most extraordinary stories are often the true ones. And if the man just wanted to get into my flat and murder me,why didn't he tell a simpler story?


&39;I said. &39;ll trust you for tonight. I&39;re honest,but if you&39;



When I next saw him,half an hour later,I didn't recognize him at first. Only the bright eyes were the same. His beard was gone,and his hair was completely different. He walked like a soldier,and he was wearing glasses. And he no longer spoke like an American.



&39;I cried.


&39;he answered. &39;



The next morning when my servant Paddock arrived,I introduced him to Captain Digby. I explained that the Captain was an important man in the army,but he had been working too hard and needed rest and quiet. Then I went out,leaving them both in the flat. When I returned at about lunchtime,the doorman told me that the gentleman in flat 15 had killed himself. I went up to the top floor,had a few words with the police,and was able to report to Scudder that his plan had been successful. The police believed that the dead man was Scudder,and that he had killed himself. Scudder was very pleased.


For the first two days in my flat,he was very calm,and spent all his time reading and smoking,and writing in a little black notebook. But after that he became more restless and nervous. It was not his own danger that he worried about,but the success of his plan to prevent the murder of Karolides. One night he was very serious.


&39;he said. &39;


I didn&39;s adventures,but I wasn't very interested in politics. I remember that he said Karolides was only in danger in London. He also mentioned a woman called Julia Czechenyi. He talked about a Black Stone and a man who lisped when he spoke. And he described another man,perhaps the most dangerous of them all-an old man with a young voice who could hood his eyes like a hawk.

The next evening I had to go out. I was meeting a man I had known in Africa for dinner. When I returned to the flat,I was surprised to see that the light in the study was out. I wondered if Scudder had gone to bed early. I turned on the light,but there was nobody there. Then I saw something in the corner that made my blood turn cold.


Scudder was lying on his back. There was a long knife through his heart,pinning him to the floor.



amusements n.something that causes one’s time to,消遣。

had better do something should,must.最好,必须。

disappointed(with) adj. unhappyat not seeing hopes come true.失望。

have a good time enjoy one self.度过愉快的时光。

I was just putting the key into my door when a man...At the moment I put the kev...a man did some- thing.我刚把钥匙插在门孔里,一个人突然……。

violently adv.showing or produced by great damaging force.暴力地;暴烈地。

I didn't understand all of it I understood part of it.我不完全理解。

这样的诗如《艾萨克与阿奇博尔德》('Isaac and Archibald'),《米尼弗·契维》('Miniver Cheevy'),《爱罗斯·特兰诺斯》('Eros Turannos')和《弗洛德先生的酒会》('Mr. Flood's Party')--只举选家最常用的。

By accident without any cause or reason,by chance.偶然。

at war with each other in the state of war with each other.打仗、进行战争。

stay alive continue to be alive.还(继续)活着。


blame(for)v. consider someone responsible for something bad.责备;责怪;把……归咎于。

body n . corpse,dead body.尸体。

pause v.break an activity or speech for a short but noticeable time.停顿。

stairs n.a fixed length of steps built for going from one level to another.楼梯;阶梯。

study n. a room used for studying.书房。

servant n.a person who is paid to cook and clean for another person.仆人。

had a few words with the police had a little talk with the police.和警察说了几句话。

carry on with my plan continue my plan.继续实行我的计划。

adventure n. a journey or activity,experience etc.,that is strange,exciting,and of ten dangerous.冒险;历险。

lisp v. to speak or say with/s/sounds which are not clear.(说话)口齿不清。

...that made my blood turn cold that frightened ne terribly,or made me horrified.吓得我浑身冰凉;把我吓坏了。

pin v. fasten or join with a pin or pins,here to keep or to fix something in a position.钉在……(什么地方)。

上一篇 2023年04月25 01:21
下一篇 2023年04月25 13:12


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