


From NY Funtique Exhibition to discuss Buddhism and different stages of Chinese art



Taking the Bodhi wisdom “Zen and Joy” as the core,while “learn while doing”,“Inner peace”,“suffering”,“prayer flag”,“consciousness”,“waking dream” and “Abode” are used as the seven exhibition subjects. Buddha statues,murals,paintings,and cultural objects are considered as carriers,and it also exploit materials like gold,silver,copper,porcelain,bamboo,pottery,crystal,colored glaze,turquoise,etc.

These are the dominant features of the first NY Funtique exhibition. From this exhibition,we can see the important role of “Zen” in Chinese culture and see its far-reaching influence on Chinese civilazation,especially on Chinese art. From the perspective of art and philosophy,we can see the broad connotation of “Buddhism” and employ it to nourish art and philosophy at the same time.

Peony has five petals,just as Zen has five schools,which is the beginning of the prosperity of Buddhism in ancient China. Changes come from heart,knowledges come from consciousness,people nourish heart to abnegate lust,restrain nature to help others,be kind thus liberate self,be benevolent and have mercy on others,which are the actions of saints. From restriction we can find inner peace,thus get wisdom,which is not only a way of personal practice,but also the practice of philosophy and art.



For Chinese art,Buddhism is an unavoidable chapter. Its influence on Chinese art began in the Wei and Jin Dynasties when it was introduced into China (especially the formal large-scale introduction of Zen ideology of Buddhism). A large scale of grottoes established,which has played a crucial role on the forms of Chinese art.


唐-王维 凡画山水,意在笔先。

传 唐 王维 著色山水-江皋会遇图全卷



For Chinese painting,its influence is even greater. Before there was Chinese Buddhism (especially before the formation of Zen philosophy) ,I thought that Chinese painting was at its first stage,the era of pursuing form,it can be called the Classical Era,represented by Gu Kaizhi,Wu Daozi,Yan lide and Yan liben. After the introduction of Zen philosophy,Chinese culture absorbed and applied it to painting,at the same time,the painter was extended from the traditional professional painters to the literati,changing the Classical Era. Chinese painting began to have freehand brushwork and scholar-bureaucrat painting,and its style changed,it bears more meaning and interest outside the picture.

《我是猫》读书心得感悟与体会1 《我是猫》是日本著名的作家夏目漱石的处女作,发表于1905年。作者在书中以猫的身份来观察生活。这是一只善于思索、有见识、富于正义感、但至死也没有学会抓老鼠的猫。它观察着当时的人们,发出了自己对。

The way I see it, this is the chapter of the second stage of Chinese painting,that is,the Romantic Era. This is the age of imagery and freehand brushwork in Chinese painting,turning artistic intuition into artistic self-awareness. This era has continued until the Yuan Dynasty,but its influence still exists until today,and integrated into the spirit of Chinese painting. In a series of classic stories of Zen,we can also appreciate the freehand brushwork,and the extended meaning of Chinese painting. This era was inspired by Wang Wei's landscape painting and began with the idea that a mountain is not a mountain,a mountain is still a mountain. He also became the founder of Southern Chinese Painting.

作品主题 煌煌10卷的《昆虫记》一书,以其瑰丽丰富的内涵,唤起人们对万物,对人类和对科普的深刻省思。作者将昆虫的多彩生活与自己的人生感悟融为一体,用人性去看待昆虫。通过详细、深刻地描绘,各种昆虫的外部形态和生物习。


Yuan Dynasty’s turmoil stimulated Chinese landscape painting to search a new road. It was the third stage of Chinese painting,the era of individual heroism,which lasted until the end of the Qing dynasty,when western culture spread to the east. The western culture talked above is not only the western art theory,but also its philosophy,which constantly integrated into the creation and theory of Chinese painting. The fourth stage of Chinese painting was formed by Kang Youwei's idea of “combining Chinese and western painting into a new era” and “taking retro as a revolution”,which was an era of self-revolution.



With the rapid development of science and technology,the advent of the Internet has broadened the horizons of art practitioners and enabled them to acquire knowledge in a wide and convenient way with rich content. From AI painting,cloud exhibition to meta-universe space,from the method of artistic creation to the change of presentation,technology carried the art consciously in line with the changes of the times. It should be said that Chinese painting was forced into its fifth stage,the era of Internet technology.


Innovation in exhibition








上一篇 2022年12月07 20:02
下一篇 2023年02月28 02:21


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