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[难度系数】 **

Li Bing,the main character of White Cat Legend.

Reading: Going back to Tang Times《大理寺日志》:细节背后,是真实的大唐风物。


Set during the rule of Empress Wu Zetian,the story of White Cat Legend is told with ambition (雄心). In many movies and TV shows,elements (元素) from the Tang Dynasty,for example,the appearance of buildings,are not what they should be like. But the White Cat Legend production team wanted to show the dynasty more accurately,especially the buildings.To achieve this goal,the team spent three years studying historical resources (历史资料). They went to Luoyang,one of the dynasty’s capital cities,and took photos of ancient places. In the series’ first episode,Li gets locked in a dungeon (地牢). The art designers had planned to make the dungeon big and wide,just as dungeons are shown in other shows. However,when they saw a real dungeon in Luoyang,they were surprised by its size. “It was so cramped … much smaller than we imagined,” Huai Jiajia,director of White Cat Legend,told Life Week. Therefore,the dungeon that is finally seen in the show is cramped as well. The team also visited the Kanto region of Japan,where many Tang Dynasty buildings and relics (遗物) are kept. Since the museums there don’t allow visitors to take photos,the designers made drawings of the buildings and relics. Their hard work has paid off. Viewers have given the series a rating of 8.5 on Douban. “It’s suspenseful (悬疑的) and thrilling,providing historic knowledge and a lot more,” one viewer wrote. “It makes me proud of China’s animation.”

What’s the story?

【Treasure Box]

1. basev. 基于,以……为根据用法:base A on B 把A建立在B的基础上。常用于被动语态形式,即:sth be based on ... 某事物是基于……之上。base 可作名词,意思是“底部,基地”。例句: This movie is based on historical facts. 这部电影是基于史实的。

2. accurately adv. 精准地;准确地用法:accurate 是其形容词形式,意为“准确的;精准的”。be accurate in sth/doing sth 在某方面很精确。同根词:accuracy n. 精确度,准确性。例句: We hope to more accurately predict earthquakes. 我们希望能够更精准地预测地震。


3. proudadj. 骄傲的;自豪的用法:be proud of sb/sth 意为“为某人、某事物感到骄傲”。区别:pride 是名词,意为“骄傲”,take pride in = be proud of。例句: “If your father was still alive,he would have been very proud of you,” he said. 他说到:”如果你父亲还在世的话,他一定会为你感到自豪的。"

【Comprehension test】

Choose the answer: 1. Why did the team spend three years studying historical resources?A. To better understand Empress Wu Zetian.B. To show the Tang Dynasty more accurately.C. To include more photos of ancient places. D. To understand how officials dealt with legal cases.

2. What does the underlined word “cramped” in Pagragraph 3 mean?A. Surprisingly big.B. Not having enough space.C. From one’s imagination. D. Feeling pain in one’s muscles.


B 提示句见第一段最后一句 “But the White Cat Legend production team wanted to show the dynasty more accurately,especially the buildings.” 及第二段开头&34;

B 提示句见第三段中“The art designers had planned to make the dungeon big and wide,just as dungeons are shown in other shows. However,when they saw a real dungeon in Luoyang,they were surprised by its size. “It was so cramped … much smaller than we imagined,”

《大理寺日志》适合9岁以上的孩子看。《大理寺日志》百度网盘高清免费资源在线观看 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1lQGD1EyrAXYrAHL5fyKPMQ?pwd=qqup提取码:qqup 在唐朝武明空统治时期,以主管全国大案要案的大理寺为。


D 提示句见最后一段 &34; 观众对这部电影在豆瓣上的打分是8.5分,显然不是低分,因此最后一个选项是不符合事实的。




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