




英文名称:Meiji eight years ten thousand yuan coin














英文名称:Hong Kong 50 cents




五毫硬币,又称五角硬币是一种现行流通的香港货币,材质为黄铜合金的圆形港元硬币,面额为:0.5港元。货币兑换:0.5港元=0.4084人民币元,由于外汇汇率是实时变动的,数据仅供参考,交易时以银行柜台成交价为准 更新时间:2。





The collection is introduced

Meiji eight years ten thousand yuan coin

Meiji eight years ten thousand yuan Coin

Category: Miscellaneous

Specification: one coin

Appearance: Beautiful

The large Japanese Meiji eight years one all round platinum COINS is Japan Meiji eight years trade currency,coin positive word &34; center,above the signet on behalf of the Japanese imperial 16 disc eight heavy table of chrysanthemum grain badges,left and right sides accompanied by sakura chrysanthemum branches,clear the blossom bud,legs crossed into bowknot shape,with rich east to win.



On the back,there is dragon grain in the center,which glows with teeth and claws. The phosphorous whiskers are vivid and visible. The lower edge is &34;,and the upper edge is &34;. The dragon pattern differs from the traditional Chinese dragon pattern in details,which is different from the majestic and domineer conveyed by the Chinese dragon pattern and the Japanese dragon pattern vision.


The upper dragon tends to be vicious,which conforms to the personality of the Japanese nation to fight fiercely. Moreover,the coin dragon pattern has only three claws,which is quite different from the four claws and five claws of the Chinese dragon pattern. The coin has precious material,high artistic value,exquisite production,elegant design,elegant text,rich content,its appearance is lovely,with a certain value and appreciation function.

This ten thousand yuan coin foundry fine,circulation trace is obvious,at that time the foundry circulation is very small,after more than 100 years of baptism,rare in the world,the currency is rare,has a very good collection value. As the saying goes,rare is the most precious thing. Although this great Meiji eight-year platinum gold of ten thousand won has experienced endless years,the lines are still clearly visible,and the above signs also witness its historical accumulation,with very obvious historical transitional characteristics,with indescribable collection value.

In Hong Kong,the Hong Kong dollar used to be the silver standard,like the Spanish silver,and the Hong Kong dollar is the same weight as the Spanish silver and the Dragon of China. The five fairy coins were minted in silver between 1866 and 1933. The five-cent coin of 1903 weighed 1.37 grams,equivalent to about three cents and six centimes (0.036 taels),and was thus referred to as the &34; coin. At that time,the code words used in the fruit and vegetable stalls in Hong Kong were the same as those in Guangzhou,so the hk $5 was also called &34;.

Starting in 1864,the Legislative Council of Hong Kong passed the Hong Kong Mint Act and decided to invest $400,000 to build a factory to manufacture silver coins in Canning Street,Causeway Bay,Hong Kong. The construction of the &34; began in 1864 and officially began on May 7,1866,producing one-dollar,half-dollar and other Hong Kong silver coins.


The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Hong Kong 50 cents silver

English name: Hong Kong 50 cents

Category: Miscellaneous

Specification: one coin

Appearance: Beautiful

The Hk $50 coin,also known as the Hk $50 coin,is a round brass alloy Hong Kong dollar coin with a face value of HK $0.5 in current circulation. In 1951,the government issued a new 5 cents coin,but it was cast in copper and nickel alloy,with the portrait of the reigning King George VI on one side (only the 1951 5 cents had the portrait of The king) and the &34; on the other. In 1958,the five-cent coin was converted into a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II.

Hong Kong five cents silver coin,represents the currency culture of modern China,reflects the rise and fall and vicissitudes of China's modern history,economy and finance,has a high artistic appreciation value and cultural relic value,but also has a certain function of preservation and appreciation. In recent years,rare and old silver coins continue to sell well all over the auction field,on the Internet rare silver coin transaction performance is also commendable. After more than ten years of cultivation,the coin auction market represented by mechanism coin finally shines brightly. Even compared with overseas markets,the current mainland market is nothing to write home about. The collectibles and investors have richer knowledge and more broadminded vision,and their ideas have also undergone profound changes. They are more rigorous in the pursuit of collections,and pay more attention to the perfection and future value of collections under the premise of rare and precious treasures.

This coin has clear handwriting,distinct figures and intact preserved appearance,while the coin collection values the appearance most,which is the life of coin collection. The surface of these two coins is covered with natural paste,which has a sense of age,but at the same time,there are no cracks,deformation and other defects. It belongs to perfect appearance and has extremely high collection value.


上一篇 2022年12月18 12:28
下一篇 2023年04月08 07:58


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